Holandia / Historia

Eyewitnesses tell war stories




In the surroundings of the municipality of Landerd, you can meet eyewitnesses who tell about their personal experience of the Second World War. At 6 locations in Reek, Schaijk and Zeeland, you can find tall steel characters who tell a true story that took place at the location in question during the war. You can meet a RAF pilot who tells about a plane crash, a boy who stood during operation Market Garden along Hell’s Highway and a Dutch soldier who tells about the fights at the Peel-Raam Line. These eyewitnesses stand on almost the authentic locations where the story took place and are clearly recognizable in the landscape. More information and a cycling route along all eyewitnesses can be found on www.eyewitnessesww2.nl

Reek, Landerd, Netherlands

06-15082914 info@vvvlanderd.nl