Belgia / Historia

A lot of people and a lot of flags




In August 1944, the end of the war was already in sight in Heist-op-den-Berg. On 29 August, the wives and children of the German occupiers in Heist boarded a train for Germany. During the following days, columns of dispirited and exhausted Germans passed through the town. It was a chaotic and sometimes violent retreat.

On 3 September, the people of Heist saw British planes flying overhead and that night they heard explosions in the distance.

The first Belgian flag appeared the next day. A brave resident of Heist-Goor hung out the flag, and others followed suit. People were ready with bouquets and tricolour ribbons. But there was no liberator in sight yet. The British soldiers and their tanks finally appeared on 5 September. The population responded joyously, women embraced the soldiers, more flags appeared and the fanfare band played.

The British stayed until January 1945. They were stationed in buildings on Mechelbaan and in Hof ter Laken, among other locations. Specially for them, chaplain Druyts celebrated Christmas Mass in English in Saint Lambert’s Church.

From November 1944, the Germans attacked the port of Antwerp with flying bombs. The Allies set up anti-aircraft guns and tried to shoot the bombs out of the air or divert them to less densely populated areas. A total of 31 V1 and seven V2 bombs fell on Heist-op-den-Berg, Booischot, Hallaar, Itegem, Schriek and Wiekevorst. Sixty people were injured and twelve were killed. More than 500 houses were damaged, with 27 of them totally demolished.

Herentalsesteenweg 2220 Heist-op-den-Berg